This is the advertisement for Homer "the Huggable Hound"
Homer came at the end of Arrow's run.
Made in 1966
As with all Arrow toys, what is he?
A Dachshund maybe?
He doesn't really look like a dog i've ever seen.
This is the original Homer I own.
I have now seen 4 of these.
He isn't as rare as I had once thought.
But that doesn't take away from his desirability.
People really love this guy.
Its easy to see why.
His ears are a vinyl instead of the normal fluffy ears in the ad.
They also differ from the normal fluffy ears used by Arrow.
Homer not only has a movable head, but his tail is also jointed.
This is Clown version of Homer. I have seen 2 mine
and another I purchased for a friend.
Mine is from france and the second I bought was from spain.
He is marked Edward Mobley Arrow Rubber and Plastics 1966.
The Squeaker Is also much different.
It is located beneath the head and is part of the neck,
instead of being located on the belly.
He also comes with accessories,
something I have never seen on a Arrow or Sun toy.
He has a white collar and is supposed to have a little teal hat,
that fits into a hole in his head.
He is also much smaller that the original Homer.
Isnt he just so sweet?
It was so sweet of the seller I bought this from to send the hat.
Now he is complete.
And looking pretty dapper if I do say so myself.
you have just got to love the mustard yellow polkadot ears.
I added this tail to mine because the original tail is really ugly.
The original tail looks like a broken paint brush.
So it turns out one with Fluffy Ears was made.
He is really cute.
Homer has the most variants I have seen of the Arrow toys.
He is also the most desirable of all the Arrow toys and his price reflects that.