Friday, July 26, 2013

Sun Rubber Company "Sunny Bear"

 The Sun Rubber Company "Sunny" Bear
This is one of the few squeak toys that can cost you a pretty penny. I have waited and waited to get mine. Im not one of the "gotta have it now!" kind of people. I have been very lucky with these guys, I always assumed that I would never own one because of the high amount they bring on Ebay. If you keep your eyes peeled and hold out for just the right luck they pop up in strange places. Mine have been thrifted, given to me as gifts, or saved from the flea market. Made by a few companies they seemed ideal for Baby play. Sanitary, Natural, and Non-Toxic, all words that moms drool over today. In 1958 they where wonderfully ahead of the game when it came to toys.

I wish I knew who made the one with the belly button. I got him from a woman who was selling her entire collection. She had a lot of very rare squeaks, ones I bought from her i had never seen before or since. This little bear with his happy tummy is one of my all time favorites.

These are the 10 that I own plus a cute advertisement for them and 
this sweet yellow bear i wish was mine.
Look at them all. Each with their own charm. 
sorry, but I need to gush about that monkey for at least one sentence. 
Look at that cute little hat, and his sweet chimp cheeks, 
he is my number one top of the pops want. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sun Rubber Company catalog of dolls and cars

Im so lucky to have met a woman who was selling off her collection. In her collection she had a Sun Rubber catalog. These are pictures of each page. 

I really hope that this catalog brings smiles to the people who see it.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Packaging, Edward Mobley MIB, Sun Rubber MIB

How wonderful is the box for Bon-Bon? 

This bear, I normally dont like sun rubber in the package but this bear was perfect. 

Raja is one of my favorite squeaks made.
Look at it!!
Is that what a elephant looks like to anyone?

Miss Kitty and her Three Little KIttens

Woofie the lovable puppy

The back of Arrow Rubber Box

Mittens the fluffy kitten

Cute Kittens 

Raja with grey ears 

Buster the bouncing baby bear

the packaging for them is wonderful and eye catching. 

Edward Mobley, Arrow Rubber and Plastics Corporation

Edward Mobley, was originally a designer for the Sun Rubber Company.
He left them and Went to work for Arrow Rubber and Plastics Corp. 
Soon Arrow Rubber had become part of our household 
and the little shelf where I kept them was filling up fast.

I often wonder if he had ever seen a sheep
Baa Baa the Woolly lamb 

Mittens the fluffy kitten

Bon Bon The Pretty Poodle

Arrow rubber also used a variety of colors all hand painted with non-toxic colors

Each little face made me swoon.

and each new color was a treat.

Stripes the Purr-r-ific Tiger

They came in different sizes, I was completely hooked at this point. I Loved all my little squeaks. I wanted to know everything I could.
There isnt very much information on them or the companies that made them.
I wanted to know what names they where given originally.
I wanted to know all about variants.
Im still collecting and still learning. 
Woofie the Lovable Puppy
So now that we are all caught up and you know about me and my squeaks, this blog will be mostly great finds and information. Fun Pictures and every now and then a squeak for sale

Bucky the Bucking Bronco